Features of joint venture from 360 Business

Joint Venture

business expansion, development of new products or moving into new markets, particularly overseas.

business may have strong potential for growth and you may have innovative ideas and products.

Given that it is readily available and renewable, solar power is an attractive source of energy.

To reduce the risk factor for heavy investment. To make optimum utilisation of resources. If you need more info, please send mail to us. admin@360acbs.com

Customer data 100% secured with us.

We Create an efficient team that works great together, with Teamwork's suite of tools for work & project management, helpdesk, chat, document management and so on.

  • Profit Sharing
  • Structure of the Venture
  • Mutual Agreement
  • Specific Duration

Strategic Joint Venture

Affiliate Partnership

Financing Agreement

Functional Based Joint Venture

Project Based Joint Venture

360 Business Team

  • Innovation
  • Access to Technology
  • Edge Computing
  • Brand Name

Joint venture | Investors from 360 Business

Future Tech

Future Tech

Future Tech